Forgive me readers (aka Johnny, Stephanie, Lark, maybe Andy) for I have sinned. It has been ehh a few months since my last post. But better late then never, right?!
For a while now, I've noticed that the population of red haired persons in the United States has fallen victim to some persecution. They have been called evil, inferior, mutants, and even said to be their own race (rangas for all those Summer Heights High fans out there). Some appalling yet hilarious terms have also been coined to classify their condition and humiliate them including 'gingervitis' and the age old 'firecrotch.' As entertaining as this torment is, I have found that redheads, in fact, seem to have some superiority over the rest of us. Especially when it comes to female vocalists of the indie rock persuasion. (With the exception of Paramore chick and Ginger Spice). There is a definite trend with having ginger kid lead singers and being super cool musicians. These ladies really bring it. With vocals, lyrics, raw talent, and not to mention good looks. So here's a list-o-mania of a few of my favourite redheads.
8. Gerri Halliwell - Who can ever forget Ginger Spice? Ms. Halliwell definitely pushed the limits of what freckled faces could do and was a real trailblazer for her kind. Not only did she lead the Spice Girls to great success, but also spread 'Girl Power' to prepubescent girls everywhere in the mid-1990's (including moi).
7. Shirley Manson - So I'm not much of a Garbage fan, but I feel that a list of Gingers would not be complete without it's lead singer. Actually I think the only Garbage songs I know are "Only Happy When It Rains" and "I Think I'm Paranoid" because I probs played them in Rockband or some other form of learning fake instruments. At any rate, from what I understand, Shirley is quite the show-woman and is pretty sexay. Hey, anyone who's still rockin' at 43 is A-OK in my book.
6. Hayley Williams - It's an undeniable fact of life that Paramore is effing good. Admit it. You never turn them off when they come on the radio and you've seen all their live performance from MTV award shows... you're all like "that's whatchu get when you let your heaaart win. ooooh oh ooh oh!" She's spunky, adorable, and not to mention she's got red hair!
5. Kate Nash - With her first and only release, Made of Bricks, Ms. Nash blew my 18 year old mind. But since then, she's done nothing. WTF Kate! Despite this lull in activity, Katie-poo (I'm sure she'd hate this nickname) is quite the songstress. Weaving tales of lost/broken/angry love as well as ballads such as Dickhead. I somehow never tire of her obnoxious accent and ridic lyricos. Her hair is kind more auburn, but I'll take it.
4. Ingrid Michaelson - So Ingrid has been gaining some noteriety of late. Her vids appear regularly on VH1. But I still love her. Imma sucker for love songs and she writes em like a pro. Not to mention she has some of the wittiest stage banter I've ever heard and her live show will make you eargasm all over the place due to the overwhelming harmonies :) Her blog (entitled 'Bliggity Blog') is likewise delightful. Ingrid is really more of a strawberry blonde, but a ginger nonetheless!
3. Florence Welch - Although new to the scene, the lead singer of Florence and the Machine is no newb to being an awesome ginger kid. Her voice is the best I've heard in a while. Especially impressive coming from a girl who belts such great tunez at the tender age of 23. Johnny once made the statement that she's what you'd get if you fused #2 and #1 together. Surely the best is yet to come from Flo. Listen to Dog Days Are Over! You'll at least tap your foot!
2. Jenny Lewis - I actually had Jenny as numero uno, but realized that she's just the little sister of #1 (Johnny said that once). And the little sister is never number one. Except on Full House (the Olsen twins totes took the cake over DJ or Stephanie). But Jenny is undeniably an indie rock goddess. She's adorable. She's a former child star (appearing in, among other things, The Wizard with Fred Savage and Troop Beverly Hills). She is the lead singer of Rilo Kiley and a stand out solo act. She has a great haircut. She has a wardrobe to die for. She was in the Postal Service. Bottomline, she has red hair.
1. Neko Case - This former pornographer has lended her voice to various diff projects over the years, but my person choice is her solo work. The sounds that come out of this woman are unlike any other. Guaranteed to send chills down your spine. Even bring you to tears. Powerful, rustic, obvi unique, and at times overwhelming. She's the mother of all these other red haired ladies. Its like they're just ginger kids and she's their ginger mama. Some fav tracks include "I'm Am Animal" and "That Teenage Feeling." Gaaah. There's no use in describing. You must listen!
Well, that pretty much rounds up my take on Gingers. The only way I can see that they are mutants is that they have beautiful voices and great hairdos. That's all. k bye.