Yeah yeah it came out last year. We get stuff late out here in the suburbs. Anyways, tUnE-yArDs is the name of a one-woman band. Merrill Garbus is the name of the woman. The album's called Bird-Brains and it is wonderfully weird. It's also wonderfully lo-fi, as she recorded the entire thing herself using presumably cheap equipment. Her sound is totally original. She strums the ukelele, lays down hip hop beats, samples a baby coughing, and howls like a wild animal, among other things. Great songwriting here, too. She pours out everything, no matter how fucked up it sounds. That's what I like the most about this album, actually-she's not afraid to express herself even though most of the people who listen to this album will think she's insane. I'm pretty sure that's what music's all about.
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