I've seen several "bug perspective" animated films that won my heart. "A Bug's Life," "The Bee Movie" (obvi a winner bc of Seinfeld), and who could forget 1998's, "Antz" (gotta love Woody Allen and the replacement of an "s" with a "z" before it was trendy). Their convincing arguments and celebrity voices forced me to respect the insect population at least for a few days after viewing the mov. I'd also like to mention that one of my fav children's books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, played a pivotal role in my liking of arthropods. I've even met some nice bugs in my lifetime, especially of late.
Chronicled below are three relatively recent encounters I've had with insects:
1) Time frame: a few weeks ago
I was moving some things into my new apt by myself, probably carrying a large awkward box of sorts, when I suddenly felt a tickling sensation on my left forearm. I could not really look at it (due to the load I was lifting), but figured it was just a disagreeable strand of hair or a cobweb. It wasn't until I got into my room that I dropped the box only to discover a wittle wadybug (aka ladybug) racing up my arm. Although I usually freak out about any sort of creepy crawlers (not the awesome childhood toy) in my territory, this case was an exception. I didn't mind at all! I left my new friend on the wall and she(not to be gender bias, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's a female) hung out with me, helping me decorate my new room all afternoon. I'll admit, I was a bit uneasy about being in this new and unknown space alone, so it was thoughtful of this ladybug to come and keep me company. Conclusion: Bugs make good companions
2) Time frame: a week ago
So, I've been running pretty often and usually do not end up going out for my run until later at night because I put it off all day, but also because at night it is cooler(with it being summer and all). This day though, I waited much too long. It was about 8 o'clock and the sun was quickly setting. It was almost pitch black as I approached the toughest section of my run (aka the part I normally walk at). Lightning bugs began surrounding me which was quite magical. I put out my hand and one hopped right on. This firefly was not going anywhere. He stayed with me on that street, up the steepest of hills, and onto the darkest (non-street lighted) road of my run. I put out my hand several times to let him go, but every time I looked he was still lying there in the same position. I thought he might be dead. Maybe my super fast pace was just too much for the little guy (jk jk). But alas, as I turned the corner off the dark dark road onto my own safe and adequately lighted street, he had flown off. It's like he knew I didn't need his little bead of light to brighten my path anymore. He was the light by which I travelled into this and that... mm Jens. But for real, I would like to thank that lightning bug for hitching a ride on my hand that night. Even if it was for all the wrong reasons. Like maybe he just needed to get from one side of town to the other. Thought, "Hey this girl's hand looks pretty legit." But whatever his motives, I'll never forget you firefly. Conclusion: Bugs make good lanterns.
So after these two tales, it seems like I heart bugs, right? And after these two positive experiences I did. I was getting over my mild arachnophobia and even considered buying a bug collector at Target. Until...
3) Time frame: Today
I'm at the beach. Perfect day. The sand, the water, the wind, the company, the cute boy (who I pine over just for this week down the shore), a day dream kinda day. Every thing's in it's place to create the beachiest beach trip eva. I was just sinking into my chair, listening to The Beach Boys when... itchy itch itchy itch itch, all around my ankles (which were already stinging from shaving abrasions)! What caused such irritation (the severity of which I really cannot describe in words)??
The culprit was none other than those damn HORSE FLIES!!Seriously, they suck. There is nothing positive to say about the horse fly. It is ugly, it makes a mean sound, it bites you, and it's not even cool enough to have an original name. It's named after another animal.
In conclusion, I want to apologize to that ladybug and the firefly I met for what I'm about to say. They were lovely bugs, but that horse fly really did it for me. Stomping on any little dot that might be a bug (even it if turns out to be a piece of lint or a crumb) is my new plan. Thanks for ruining everything horse fly. I now HATE BUGS!
Cool story bro.