

I went to Main Street Music in Manayunk yesterday. I like going there because 1. They have a great selection 2. The guy who works there is very nice and 3. It's kind of far away and in the "city" so I feel as if I'm going on an adventure even though I always park in the same spot and always go to the same Starbucks to purchase a juicebox because I think walking down Main Street in Manayunk sipping organic apple juice out of a box is a funny thing to do. Anyways, I go in the store and it's just me, the guy who works there, and some upper class white kid with his mom. This had me thinking about what I listened to when I was his age, which was about six give or take a year. I really liked Kriss Kross. I had their album Totally Krossed Out on tape as well as a t-shirt on which the album cover was pictured. I recall being intimidated by their confrontational tone on the track "Lil Boys in da Hood." This is unsurprising, since I was scared of many things back in those days. I digress, however. This young lad went up to the very nice man who owns the store, and here's what happened:
Kid: Do you have Young Money?
Guy: Uh...we might...but if we did it would be Parental Advisory.
Kid: What does that mean?
Guy: It means that it's unedited.
Kid: What does that mean?
Guy: It means that it has foul language and I can't sell it to you unless your mom says it's OK.
(Mom looks at kid and shakes head indicating "No.")
Kid: SHIT!
There were several things that I found to be funny about this situation. 1. The kid and his mom shouldn't have even been shopping for music in a place like Main Street. The fact that they went there and not a place like Best Buy that would sell such mainstream music that a six year old would listen to indicated to me that the child's mother was a new age dildo and only supports independent businesses. 2. The child asked for a Young Money LP in an independent record store. For those of you who do not know, the Young Money record label releases albums from the likes of Lil Wayne, Drake, and, eventually, Nicki Minaj, among others. 3. The child uttered "SHIT!" when the record store guy told him that he would not be able to purchase an album due to the fact that it contained foul language. This was perhaps the funniest thing of them all. Following this outburst, the boy stomped out of the store with his mother walking quickly to catch up. I wish I had recommended Totally Krossed Out to him before he left.

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