
Total Mind F***: Babies


They made a movie about babies. Real rap. It's 79 minutes of babies doing stuff. Just babies hanging out and chewing on stuff and peeing and burping and then they sort of learn to walk at the end. I felt really bad for the African baby because he always had flies on his little bald head. I also felt bad for the Mongolian baby because he almost never had any pants on and his mother left him to his own devices pretty frequently. He was crawling out in a field with no pants and goats and horses could have trampled all over him. The American baby was annoying because she had a dumb name (Hattie) and her parents were a bunch of new age dildos. I guess my fav baby was the Japanese one because her parents took good care of her and she did normal stuff like go to Japanese gymboree. The funniest part of this movie though was the end credits because they played a Sufjan Stevens song and now whenever I hear a Sufjan song I'm gonna laugh because his music will have me conjuring up images of babies. He's a dildo too. This movie would have been better if they got John Cleese or some other British dude to add some witty narration. I wouldn't recommend this movie to a friend but I'd see it over Iron Man or any lulz-worthy superhero movie any day.

*Edit*-Sufjan Stevens isn't a dildo. I actually like his latest release. My bad, Sufjan.

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