
My Opinion: Lady Gaga


Lady Gaga is like all great poptarts-ubiquitous and polarizing. I have no problem with her sexed up image and the fact that she toes the lines of censorship. We always need entertainers who push the envelope, lest we allow ourselves to be overcome by the Michael Bubles of the world. My problem with Lady Gaga isn't her image at all-it's with her music. She's challenging and it isn't. Her latest single "Alejandro" sounds exactly like "Don't Turn Around" by Ace of Base. Heck, most of The Fame Monster is straight up bubblegum pop devoid of any lyrical depth. Now I know what you're thinking. "She's a pop star. Her music should be accessible." My response to that is that her style isn't. She's often seen wearing unconventional outfits, so where's the unconventional music? It's like she wants to shock the world, but only on a surface level. "OOH look how different I am! Don't be too scared though, my music isn't so strange." Here's hoping that the tunes on her next LP are as creative as she thinks she is. Until then, I'm writing her off as being a pseudo-weirdo.

And I'll never discuss her again, because that's exactly what she wants.

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