The Second Annual "Who The Hell Cares What John Thinks!" Music Review
Before I start writing about the top 15 I'd like say a few words about No Line On The Horizon, the album U2 released this year. If you know me well, you know that U2 is the first real band I ever liked and that I'm still a pretty big fan today. I think that No Line is a pretty good album, one without a heavy-hitting jam like "Beautiful Day" or "Vertigo." This is why it didn't sell as well as other U2 albums.
I'd also like to state that I'm listening to Bibio's Ambivalence Avenue for the first time and think it's really good. It probably would have made this list had I first heard it earlier in the year.
OK, here goes:
15. The Very Best-Warm Heart of Africa
This album is a collaboration between a guy from Malawi and two British guys, and is to African music what the California Roll is to Sushi. Although that doesn't seem like a compliment, I still like it, especially "Warm Heart of Africa," which features Ezra Koenig of Vampire Weekend.
14. Atlas Sound-Logos
Bradford Cox is quickly becoming one of my favorite people in music. He seems like a real outsider, that weird guy who sits in his room all day and watches people. I must say that I can sort of relate. Anyway, "Walkabout," which features Noah Lennox, is a standout.
13. God Help The Girl-S/T
Stuart Murdoch is another one of my favorite people in music, and I'll lap up pretty much anything he puts out at this point. A straight up Belle and Sebastian album would have been better, but I can deal with this, especially when its version of "Funny Little Frog" is better than the original on The Life Pursuit.
12. The Antlers-Hospice
Whenever I listen to this I get the same feeling I get when I listen to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. It's a really sad guy singing about someone who has died. And it doesn't hurt that the guy sings like Jeff Buckley.
11. The Pains of Being Pure At Heart-S/T
A really catchy, fuzzy pop album. All of their songs sort of sound the same, but you won't care because the lyrics are clever. My favorite is "Come Saturday."
10. Discovery-LP
Another catchy pop album, but more R&B-influenced. "Orange Shirt" is a freakin' banger. The only bad track is the muffled Jackson 5 cover.
09. Phoenix-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
The first two tracks alone are worth the price of admission. "1901" is probably my favorite song of the year.
08. Franz Ferdinand-Tonight: Franz Ferdinand
This is probably my favorite of their three albums. It's funkier compared to the other two, which were more guitar-driven. "Lucid Dreams" is a pretty cool foray into electro.
07. Girls-Album
Really good rock n' roll music. The songwriting is simple and heartfelt.
06. Florence And The Machine-Lungs
Every song has a massive singalong chorus. I can't even pick out a favorite track, all 13 are great.
05. Grizzly Bear-Veckatimest
This is more focused than their last album. They incorporate elements of doo-wop on "Two Weeks" and bluesy-sounding guitar on "While You Wait For The Others," my favorite track.
04. Camera Obscura-My Maudlin Career
What can I say, I'm a real sucker for orchestral pop music. It's easy stuff to wrap your finger around, and Tracyanne Campbell is gorgeous and writes great lyrics.
03. Passion Pit-Manners
This album is so much fun to sing along with because the guy has a really high voice. Melodrama at it's finest.
02. Animal Collective-Merriweather Post Pavillion and Fall Be Kind
This was the year I started to appreciate Animal Collective. Better late than never, no? Merriweather is just brilliant, especially "Brother Sport." And if the EP is any indication of where they're going, I'll keep being a fan.
01. Dirty Projectors-Bitte Orca
I listened to this twice in a row when I first got it. I never do that. It WAS the summer of 2009. Walking up and down the beach, listening to "Temecula Sunrise." Blasting "Useful Chamber" in my car with the windows open at sundown in the middle of July. Me and Lizzy throwing our hands up in the air while listening to "Stillness Is The Move." So many memories, and that's why it's number one.
That's all.
Soothsaying: The 2010 World Cup

Group A: 1. Mexico 2. South Africa 3. France 4. Uruguay
Mexico always does pretty well on the big stage. South Africa will make it because they're the home team and they have to make it. France barely qualified in the first place (they got away with a bunch of crap in a playoff against Ireland) and I think they'll suck like they did in '02. And who the hell is Uruguay?
Group B: 1. Greece 2. Nigeria 3. Argentina 4. South Korea
Greece is pretty high up in the FIFA rankings, so I'll pick them to finish first. Argentina should win every year but they don't because, um, I don't know. I've watched South Korea play a few times and they're not as good as they were a few years ago.
Group C: 1. USA 2. Algeria 3. England 4. Slovenia
OK, I'm a bit biased. But the USA looked so good in the Confederations Cup (played in S.A. this past summer) that I can't not pick them to finish first. I think England will come in overconfident after a laughably easy qualifying schedule.
Group D: 1. Ghana 2. Australia 3. Germany 4. Serbia
Germany ain't shit. Ghana destroyed in qualifying. Serbia will tie every match 0-0. And the Aussies are a bunch of rugged motherf-----s who will find a way to win.
Group E: 1. Netherlands 2. Cameroon 3. Denmark 4. Japan
The Dutch always make it through, and Cameroon has been steamrolling cats lately. Japan sucks and I can't believe they actually made it to the Cup.
Group F:
1. Italy 2. Paraguay 3. Slovakia 17. New Zealand
Dude, they're Italy. Paraguay looked good in qualifying. New Zealand is not even in the same league as these teams and only got in because they play countries like Fiji and American Samoa or some shit in qualifying.
Group G:
1. Brazil 2. Ivory Coast 3. Portugal 4. North Korea
Dude, they're Brazil. Drogba and the Ivory Coast will beat Portugal to get through. Cristiano Ronaldo will be out for that game with a vision problem after accidentally squirting a glob of hair gel into his eye.
Group H: 1. Chile 2. Switzerland 3. Spain 4. Honduras
I don't even know. Honduras isn't very good and the Spanish squad consists of male models.
I'm done thinking about soccer for now.
Four Reasons To See It: An Education

2. The clothes worn by her character (and the rest of the cast for that matter) are fantastic. People dressed so much better back in the day.
3. The screenplay was written by Nick Hornby, the workingman's literary genius.
4. The movie actually tells us why going to school is important. Imagine that-a movie that poses a question and gives us an answer to said question! Every high school age punk I know should watch this just for that part.
Definitely worth your time.
Sports: Do They Mean Anything?
In short, I was an elitist.
I went to a Pittsburgh Steelers game at Heinz Field with my dad this past Sunday, and I realized that love, wherever you can find it, is meaningful. 55,000 people dressed in Steeler black and gold were there, all for one reason-they love the Steelers. My eyes welled up with tears before the game as everyone was cheering after the national anthem and two fighter planes flew over making a huge sound, because, well, there was just so much love there. It didn't matter that the love was for a silly football team and a bunch of planes that wasted fuel and millions of taxpayer dollars. Instead I just thought about how great it was that people built this nice stadium with ketchup bottles on the scoreboard and that there are people who can fly those really fast planes without throwing up or crashing them.
I'm gonna try to find love everywhere.
Pure Euphoria: "Havin' My Baby"

Seriously, listen to this shit: http://www.myspace.com/thinkaboutlife
The Feelies: Crazy Rhythms

And I ate five fun size bags of M&Ms earlier.
Obviously Not Directed By Michael Bay: Bright Star

I'd watch it when it comes out on DVD if I were you.
Girls: Album

A Book All Guys Should Read: The Portrait of a Lady

A Reason to Commit Suicide: Shirtless Runners

Boys...Yum: Jennifer's Body

In terms of the deeper stuff, Jennifer's Body has some of that as well. It's a movie about the power of influence, about how girlfriends influence each other and how girls influence boys. I think it's important for young guys to see that while the girl you're fooling around with probably won't eat your flesh, she might give you an STD or she might get preggers.
Jennifer's Body is wildly entertaining, and will be enjoyed best at the theater with a large tub of popcorn on your lap.
Kid Cudi: Man on the Moon

1. From "Soundtrack 2 My Life"-as i grew to be a teen/i disguised myself had the lowest self esteem/especially with the girls/tried every sport just to impress the girls
Is he serious? The world only needs one Rivers Cuomo, and he wore out his welcome like ten years ago.
2. From "Enter Galactic"-i want to kiss you on your space below your navel-ette/the place that you keep neat/so moist like/a towelette
My word that is horrendous.
3. "Make Her Say," which features Common and Kanye, is about a blowjob and samples Lady Gaga's "Poker Face." Poke her face. Get it? Like a blowjob. And is it Kosher to sample a song that's still on the charts? I feel as though current songs shouldn't be sampled.
There's still enough good tracks to make this worth listening to, though. "Cudi Zone" is my favorite because it's about feeling euphoria and has strings. Can't really beat that. "Day N Nite" is obviously pretty good, and the two tracks with Ratatat are good because they have that signature Nintendo-guitar sound that's on all Ratatat songs. I love that sound.
If you like both the poppier side of hip-hop and futurisic beats and don't mind average lyrics, you'll enjoy this album. I'm interested to see what he puts out next, because apparently this is the first in a trilogy or something.
Not Wack: The Wackness

The Summer of Lizzy: Tippy Top Albums

p.s. order does matter in this case. They go in descending order from least to most rockin.
*BONUS* - A list of summer albums would not be complete without bringing up Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest. This was more of an early summer obsession; the harmonies and do-woop make your heart melt.
track to check = While You Wait For the Others
Alrighty, now for the start of my listomania!
5. Marry Me - St. Vincent
Although this is not her newest work, Annie Clark really brings the funk on this album. Actor Out of Work is def worthwhile too, but lyrically and vocally, I think this is better. The subtleties of the music are surprising as well. I think my fav line is probably, "Let's do what Mary and Joseph did... without the kid." Damn straight gurl.
tracks to check = Marry Me & The Party
4. Middle Cyclone and Fox Confessor Brings the Flood - Neko Case
So once again, Johnny gave me the gift of both a newer and older album from an artist. Most known for her days as a pornographer (in The New Pornographers) - btw I did not think of this wit on my own, I read that somewhere... Neko Case is obvi an amazing solo artist as well. Her vocals will send chills down your spine and she's quite hmm.. what's the word, rustic? Both albums (but Middle Cyc esp) make you feel like you're walking through a forest somewhere among furry animals and woodsiness or that you should be. Nature has a presence in each and every song. Also, I have this theory that there is a select red-headed population of women who were created for no other purpose but to grace us all non-ginger people with their voices....but that's a diff post for a diff day...
tracks to check = I'm An Animal & That Teenage Feeling
3. God Help the Girl - God Help the Girl
I really thought Stuart Murdoch could not get anymore awesome until I listened to this. Stu and the Girls (who are singin' about my life), warm it up real nice with this musical film soundtrack. In case you didn't know, Stuart Murdoch is the lead dude in the Scottish indie pop band Belle and Sebastian. The girls that sing on this album, however, are not part of B&S. I'm pretty anxious to see how all of these characters fit together into an actual movie. But of course, like anything Murder Murdoch produces, the music is enough. It contains infectious melodies and harmonies will that make you ear-gasm all over the place (eww that sounds gwwwoss!). But fo real, the best part of all is the lyricos. I could go on forever picking out fav lines, but I'll spare you. I would like to point out a very special song called "Pretty Eve in the Tub" which Johnny and I agree only good ole Stuart could get away with without being dubbed a fag by the general populous. Rhyming tub with scrub and rub is not really acceptable, but I'll allow it this once. The main character (Eve) whose part is sung by Catherine Ireton is delightfully soulful, esp on her new and improved version of "Funny Little Frog." Too bad production on the film doesn't start til 2010... why oh why Stewey must you torture me so??
2. Bitte Orca - Dirty Projectors
1. Manners - Passion Pit
Super Cool Pre-Passion Pit Photo Shoot

About to Blow Up: The Soft Pack

A Rave Without the Ecstasy: Passion Pit at the FUC

About to Blow Up: BLK JKS

See It: (500) Days of Summer

The thing about this movie that really got me though was how realistic it was. You see the little idiosyncracies that every couple has. Summer and Tom play the penis game and pretend that a kitchen in a department store is their own. This is the kind of stuff that really gets an audience to pay attention and develop a profound connection with the characters. It ended brilliantly as well, sort of the same way Adaptation ended if I remember correctly.
I really hope this movie becomes the next Juno or Little Miss Sunshine. It's certainly the best thing I've seen this year.
Album of the Year?: Bitte Orca

Seriously, this album has everything. It takes unexpected twists and turns, has interesting songwriting, some stellar guitar playing, and some of the prettiest vocal harmonies you'll ever hear. They even threw in "Stillness is the Move," a track (this might be a stretch) that wouldn't be out of place on pop radio. With uplifting vocals and accessible lyrics, ya never know.
There's so much to hear on Bitte Orca. In fact, in terms of complexity, I'd put it right up there with Radiohead's OK Computer or Bjork's Homogenic, two of my favorite records ever. It's hard to listen to "Useful Chamber" and not think that it was inspired by "Paranoid Android." And the intertwining of electronic elements and soothing strings, well, that's Homogenic for ya.
On Bitte Orca, Dirty Projectors have created a work of art. It's more than just a bunch of songs-it's words and sounds thrown on a canvas. They deserve lots of love and recognition for creating something so wonderful.
This Ain't No Disney Movie: A Bug's Life

I've seen several "bug perspective" animated films that won my heart. "A Bug's Life," "The Bee Movie" (obvi a winner bc of Seinfeld), and who could forget 1998's, "Antz" (gotta love Woody Allen and the replacement of an "s" with a "z" before it was trendy). Their convincing arguments and celebrity voices forced me to respect the insect population at least for a few days after viewing the mov. I'd also like to mention that one of my fav children's books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, played a pivotal role in my liking of arthropods. I've even met some nice bugs in my lifetime, especially of late.
Chronicled below are three relatively recent encounters I've had with insects:
1) Time frame: a few weeks ago
I was moving some things into my new apt by myself, probably carrying a large awkward box of sorts, when I suddenly felt a tickling sensation on my left forearm. I could not really look at it (due to the load I was lifting), but figured it was just a disagreeable strand of hair or a cobweb. It wasn't until I got into my room that I dropped the box only to discover a wittle wadybug (aka ladybug) racing up my arm. Although I usually freak out about any sort of creepy crawlers (not the awesome childhood toy) in my territory, this case was an exception. I didn't mind at all! I left my new friend on the wall and she(not to be gender bias, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's a female) hung out with me, helping me decorate my new room all afternoon. I'll admit, I was a bit uneasy about being in this new and unknown space alone, so it was thoughtful of this ladybug to come and keep me company. Conclusion: Bugs make good companions
2) Time frame: a week ago
So, I've been running pretty often and usually do not end up going out for my run until later at night because I put it off all day, but also because at night it is cooler(with it being summer and all). This day though, I waited much too long. It was about 8 o'clock and the sun was quickly setting. It was almost pitch black as I approached the toughest section of my run (aka the part I normally walk at). Lightning bugs began surrounding me which was quite magical. I put out my hand and one hopped right on. This firefly was not going anywhere. He stayed with me on that street, up the steepest of hills, and onto the darkest (non-street lighted) road of my run. I put out my hand several times to let him go, but every time I looked he was still lying there in the same position. I thought he might be dead. Maybe my super fast pace was just too much for the little guy (jk jk). But alas, as I turned the corner off the dark dark road onto my own safe and adequately lighted street, he had flown off. It's like he knew I didn't need his little bead of light to brighten my path anymore. He was the light by which I travelled into this and that... mm Jens. But for real, I would like to thank that lightning bug for hitching a ride on my hand that night. Even if it was for all the wrong reasons. Like maybe he just needed to get from one side of town to the other. Thought, "Hey this girl's hand looks pretty legit." But whatever his motives, I'll never forget you firefly. Conclusion: Bugs make good lanterns.
So after these two tales, it seems like I heart bugs, right? And after these two positive experiences I did. I was getting over my mild arachnophobia and even considered buying a bug collector at Target. Until...
3) Time frame: Today
I'm at the beach. Perfect day. The sand, the water, the wind, the company, the cute boy (who I pine over just for this week down the shore), a day dream kinda day. Every thing's in it's place to create the beachiest beach trip eva. I was just sinking into my chair, listening to The Beach Boys when... itchy itch itchy itch itch, all around my ankles (which were already stinging from shaving abrasions)! What caused such irritation (the severity of which I really cannot describe in words)??
The culprit was none other than those damn HORSE FLIES!!Seriously, they suck. There is nothing positive to say about the horse fly. It is ugly, it makes a mean sound, it bites you, and it's not even cool enough to have an original name. It's named after another animal.
In conclusion, I want to apologize to that ladybug and the firefly I met for what I'm about to say. They were lovely bugs, but that horse fly really did it for me. Stomping on any little dot that might be a bug (even it if turns out to be a piece of lint or a crumb) is my new plan. Thanks for ruining everything horse fly. I now HATE BUGS!
A Reason to Commit Suicide: Gas Pump TV

Thank you, Gas Pump TV. You're a reason to commit suicide.
A Reason to Not Commit Suicide: Long John Silver's

Thank you, Long John Silver's. You're a reason to not commit suicide.
Cuter Than a Marshmallow Peep: Zooey Deschanel

I heart Zooey Deschanel.
I loved her in Elf. I loved her in Yes, Man. I loved her with M. Ward. I even loved her when she played Jimmy Fallon's unfortunate GF in this horrid song from 2002. She went to high school with Jake Gyllenhall(hawt) and Kate Hudson for god's sake. She is just so cute I want to eat her up with a side of Cool Whip or drink her down out of a floral tea cup! I feel a bit foolish, but I've already ordered a 500 Days of Summer poster for ma chambre... I am almost guaranteeing myself that I'm gonna like it though. I am highly, highly anticipating this mov's arrival in my postal area. And the soundtrack isn't looking too shabby either. Zoo-face(we have pet names for each other) said herself, “If they were bonding over some shitty band, that would actually make me close the script. But the fact that they liked music that was approved by me, because they’re bonding over the Smiths, I was, like, ‘Well, obviously!’ ” ZOMG, Zooey! You're such a smart little actress. Picking dem roles like it's no body's business. The origin's of her name are even super cool. Zooey was named for the male character in JD Salinger's "Franny and Zooey." At this point, Zooey Deschanel really tops all other Zooeys out on the pop culture scene. Like, um, Zoey 101(notice the lack of the second "o" - lame!)...but I guess that kind of died when Jamie Lynn got preggers. Or Zooey from Seasame Street. Who needs Elmo when you've got Ben Gibbard? Zooey is the ish. So, go see 500 Days of Summer!
It Works: Whatever Works

Champions of the 1998 World Cup: Rwanda

A Guy Who Could Use a Hug: Mike Bones

On his MySpace page, New York-based musician Mike Bones (real name Mike Strallow) says his influences are "Beautiful women and existential despair." You get the idea. His second album, A Fool For Everyone, was released earlier this year, and lyrically it's one of the most depressing albums I've ever heard. Musically though, it's one of the best. Take the first track, "Today The World Is Worthy of My Loathing," where Bones offers a guitar solo that would impress Neil Young. "What I Have Left" may be the most beautiful song I've heard all year, as strings and piano come into the mix. Bones croons smoothly throughout the album, and his voice is a good fit for the rootsy-sounding arrangements.
There are two things that I don't like about A Fool For Everyone, however. One is the cover photo of Bones laying in bed sans a shirt. Why the Ode to Chest Hair, dude? The other thing is that after about six tracks, (at least for me it was six) his overly sad lyrics start to get annoying. Are you really this sad all the time?? Maybe he is and I should be nicer.
Anyway, this album is still worth listening to because the music is great. Maybe a lot of people will download it and he won't be so depressed anymore.
Here's a link to Mike Bones' MySpace page. There are lots of tracks from A Fool For Everyone.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, Mike Jones blows.
First Post Evah!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Time: 3:00 p.m.??
Place: Living Room
(John walks in)
John: I want to start a blog.
Lizzy: Me too!!
John: Let's start one together!
Lizzy:Then at least I know that one person is reading it.
John:I want to blog about music, movies, books, and other stuff that I deem cool.
Lizzy: You're gay.
John:Well what do you want to blog about?!?
Lizzy: I don't know.