Saw Scott Pilgrim Vs. today. So embarrassed. I wanted to see this movie 1. Because I secretly like Michael Cera (disregard my previous post where I was hatin') because he represents me just like Oprah represents powerful black women and Chelsea Handler represents pretty white girls who don't read much. 2. That's it. Went at 2 p.m. to avoid anyone else seeing me there. I even felt ashamed when the little old guy ripped my ticket and asked me what movie I was seeing so he could direct me towards the right auditorium. Saying "Scott Pilgrim" made my soul cringe. Once he told me which one it was in, I was like "OK thanks!" and quickly ran away. I was the only one there until a baby boomer couple walked in as it was starting. They walked out about 2/3 of the way through, when the tenth or so cartoonish fight scene was going down. I guess I was so embarrassed because I fall into one of the three groups of people to which this film (Scott Filmgrim!) appeals:
1. People who actually read the graphic novels on which the movie was based.
2. "Indie" high school students who listen to bands like Phoenix and are taking AP English this year.
3. Emotionally stunted twentysomethings who think there's still such a thing as a "dream girl."
The movie's really good. It's got a solid soundtrack, surprisingly witty dialogue, and quirky video game effects. The fight scenes were a bit much, but whatever.
Couldn't stop thinking about other Scotts during the movie.
Scott Baio vs. the World

Scottie Pippen vs. the World

Scott Toilet Paper vs. the World

1. People who actually read the graphic novels on which the movie was based.
2. "Indie" high school students who listen to bands like Phoenix and are taking AP English this year.
3. Emotionally stunted twentysomethings who think there's still such a thing as a "dream girl."
The movie's really good. It's got a solid soundtrack, surprisingly witty dialogue, and quirky video game effects. The fight scenes were a bit much, but whatever.
Couldn't stop thinking about other Scotts during the movie.
Scott Baio vs. the World

Scottie Pippen vs. the World
Scott Toilet Paper vs. the World