
He's Still Got That Swagger...And Some Twinkies: Dean Wareham

SOOOOOO blogosphere. It's been a while. And by a while I mean about a year. I've been pretty busy, ya know, livin lyfe. But last night Johnny and I saw something that is worth telling all 2 members of our clubhouse about. We saw the DEAN WAREHAM. I'm going to assume that no one reading this knows who this man is, but at 47, Deaniehead has still got it. I've got to admit, I wasn't exactly pooping my pants over this show, but by the end (staying true to my figurative language) I had diarrhea.

Dean Wareham was the lead singer of a dream pop band that existed from 1987-91 called Galaxie 500. I don't really know what he did for the last 19 years (I'm sure Johnny could fill you in). Now, he is touring with his wife, Brita (like the water filter) and they are playing all songs by Galfivehund. These songs are beautiful. Although I have a hard time distinguishing one from the other at first, each has it's own ear-gasmic guitar line. This is Johnny's favorite... STRANGE.

Dean shared with his audience that this song is about a time he took acid then went into a store. That's cool I guess. But I could have lived without knowing that. I kind of almost do not want to know what a song was ACTUALLY written about. It takes away from whatever the song meant to me. Isn't that the point of music? To take someone's creation and appreciate it in your own way?? Maybe I'm way off... NE wayz, Deanbro talked A LOT about acid. Which I could have done without. On the whole though, Mr. Wareham played a flawless set in my yeuxs. It was beautiful. He is the hottest 47 year old man I know. And I know plenty of 47 year old men. Just strummin his geeytar. Talkin bout pics of you and temps risin. Twas a lovely way to bring this summer to a close. Pop in a Galaxie 500 album (esp Today) on a rainy day. You won't regret it.

Alrighty Boys & Girls. That's all for now. Hopefully, you'll be hearing more from moi soon!


  1. Nice. And if you want to know about the intervening 19 years my fansite could fill you in (see, I've heard of him ;)). Looking forward to Dean bringing this show to London in December (such a long wait!)

  2. Haha Twinkies!

    And she spells her name "Britta," with two Ts.
